Why I Love Essential Oils

In 2012, I read a book that motivated and empowered me to make some major health changes in my life. This is where my passion for natural wellness started and it was this passion that led to my recent discovery of essential oils. I was a skeptic at first, but I later became a daily user of essential oils for five main reasons.
The history. Essential oils have been used by many cultures throughout history. I have read that they have been used in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Iran, India, China and France. Also, there are more than 300 verses in the Bible that reference essential oils!
Beauty. When I switched to natural skin care, I tried three new brands. The first brand caused irritation to my skin. The second brand was not effective. The third brand was very effective, but it was very expensive. Unlike the other brands that I tried, I discovered that skin care with pure essential oils is nourishing to the skin, extraordinarily effective, and affordable.
The aroma. Admittedly, I don’t love the smell of all the essential oils, and I avoided all of them while I had severe morning sickness. However, after my morning sickness passed, I gave the oils another chance. It took awhile, but after I began to add oils into my daily routine, I started to love and savor the aroma of these precious plant oils. The last oil that I tried was clary sage. When I open a bottle of clary sage, I feel like I am being transported to a world of captivating beauty, similar to the world created by Monet, in his painting, The Artist’s Garden at Giverny. To me, clary sage smells alluring and intoxicating. Please note that everyone’s body chemistry is different and that your response to a particular oil might not be the same as mine. For example, I don’t really appreciate the smell of lavender oil, but you might enjoy it as many others find that that the smell of lavender oil instantly promotes calming feelings.
Physical health benefits, emotional health benefits, and the science of essential oils. If you look on PubMed, you will find numerous articles related to essential oils and their amazing health benefits. I encourage you to take a peek at some of the current research and ongoing clinical trials with essential oils. I bet you didn’t know that these oils are slowly being integrated into hospitals across the U.S.! Each time you open a bottle of a pure essential oil, you are potentially improving your overall wellness. There is an essential oil for almost every ailment and problem!
It took me about two years to give essential oils a chance. Have you tried them yet? If not, I hope that you don’t wait two years like I did. E-mail me at hello@herholistichealing.com if you want to find out more!
This post was originally published on October 14, 2018 and updated on July 6, 2019.
I’ve only tried lavender, and it did help me relax and sleep better. I’ve been reading about clary sage, and I’m thinking of adding this essential oil to my skincare routine.