Six Reasons Why I Would Choose A Natural Birth Again

I know that not everyone is a fan of Natural Birthing. But if you have any interest, I hope that you will consider it. My first two birth experiences were natural while the last one required some interventions. If I had another child, I would definitely choose an easier and less painful Natural Birth!
Our Midwife was with us from start to finish.
Our Nurse Midwife was with us from the time that we arrived in the hospital until after the baby was born and assessed. Obstetricians often spend a lot less time with their patients.
I was allowed to eat and drink.
A chocolate granola bar gave me an extra surge of energy right before I had to push my baby out. I can’t imagine going through childbirth without food and water!
I was allowed to labor in any position that was comfortable for me.
I switched from standing in a shower, to a birthing ball, to lying on my side, to different positions in the birthing tub. At one point, I plopped myself down on the bed and put my butt in the air–this position provided some comfort when I felt like my butt was about to explode.
My water births provided natural pain relief.
I gave birth to my first two babies in a tub of soothing, warm water. The last birth was not in water and it hurt a lot more.
I needed very few medical interventions.
For my first two babies, I did not need any medications, intravenous line, forceps, vacuum, or stitches. For my last baby, I had a monitor on my belly, an intravenous line, and Pitocin. The first two Natural Births were faster, easier and less painful.
My babies were able to breastfeed straight out of the womb.
My babies were born healthy, alert, and hungry. I offered them some milk and they all latched on within a minute!
Dear Mama, no matter what happens during your birth experience, you are amazing!
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