My Favorite Healthy Diets

Back in 2010 when I started to care more about the foods that I put into my body, I was frustrated that every health guru recommended something different when it came to food. The more research that I did, the more confused I became. Humans have been eating food since the beginning of time. You’d think that we would’ve figured this out by now!
I now realize why we were all so confused. We are so confused because no two bodies are the same! Everyone’s body chemistry is different. Thus, everyone’s body will respond differently to different diets. With this in mind, I do believe that there are certain concepts that apply to just about everyone. Through research, and trial and error, I found a few diets that make the most sense to me—they are also the diets that have given me the most success on my health journey.
The main focus of the Paleo diet is to try to eat what our ancestors ate. There is debate about what this entails. However, according to, “…at its simplest, the Paleolithic diet consisted of a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds.” The paleo diet cuts out dairy, grains, and processed foods.
I like searching for Paleo recipes because I agree that a healthy diet does not consist of foods that have been processed with chemicals or fake foods. However, I do not follow the Paleo diet all the time because I believe that some traditional grains and raw dairy can be good for the body.
Weston A. Price was a dentist that studied the eating habits of different people groups around the world. He found that the people groups that were the healthiest were the ones that stuck to their traditional diets. He found that people experienced poor dental health, facial deformities, and other diseases after processed foods were introduced into the culture.
If you want to follow the Traditional diet, focus on real, unprocessed foods; meats (from animals that have been raised by traditional farming practices); wild fish (not farm-raised), raw dairy; organic fruits and vegetables; whole grains, legumes, and nuts that have been traditionally prepared; bone broth; and fermented foods.
I think that the Traditional diet is a wonderful, nutrient-dense diet with many delicious, satisfying foods to choose from!
The Maker’s Diet
The Maker’s Diet is very similar to the Traditional diet. The difference is that it has some additional principles that are in the Bible. According to the Bible, we should avoid fish if it does not have fins and scales. We should also avoid shellfish and pork.
I am not legalistic about what I eat, but I do think that there is wisdom in following these recommendations from the Bible. It is my understanding that pigs and shellfish consume just about anything—including things that are toxic. When we eat pigs and shellfish, we are eating anything toxic that these animals ate!
If you need help on you health journey, e-mail me at
Nienhiser J. Dietary Guidelines. Published January 1, 2000. Accessed December 17, 2020.
Rubin J. The Maker’s Diet: The 40-Day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Images Publishers, Inc.; 2004, 2005.
What to Eat on the Paleo Diet. Accessed December 17, 2020.