More Water, Better Water

Feeling thirsty? Instead of choosing sugary drinks that raise your blood sugar and sabotage weight loss efforts, reach for water! Here are a few tips about water.
Drink high-quality water. Tap water contains pharmaceutical residue, heavy metals and other contaminants that wreak havoc on your gut. For water purification, I highly recommend the Berkey filter. The main filters in the Berkey can last up to 15 years and the fluoride filters can last up to two years. The water from this high-performing filter tastes wonderful!
Don’t drink from plastic water bottles. I have read that water from store-bought plastic bottles are sometimes more contaminated than tap water because the water is not properly purified or regulated. Furthermore, if the plastic was sitting out in a hot warehouse or in the hot sun, the heat might have compromised the plastic and the plastic might be leaching into the water. This is a health hazard! Instead of buying water from the store, I filter my water and use Klean Kanteen water bottles.
Drink more water. I have seen conflicting research on the daily recommended intake of water. Therefore, instead of worrying too much about meeting a “water quota” everyday, just try to drink as much as you can. Try to choose water instead of any other drink.
If you don’t like the taste of water, add something to it. You can add some organic lemon to your water. Just make sure that you rinse your mouth after ingesting lemon because it can damage your teeth. You can also put a drop of lemon essential oil into your water. If the essential oil has been extracted from the lemon’s rind, you don’t have to rinse out your mouth as the rind will not erode your teeth. Lemon essential oil is great for cleansing the body! Please ensure that the essential oil that you use is pure as ingesting an essential oil that is not pure can be dangerous for your health.
Don’t forget about the water in your shower. Just like the water that you drink affects your health, the water that gets on your skin and hair will affect your health as well. Therefore, you might want to buy a shower filter to avoid some of the toxins in the water. I’ve heard good things about Aquasana filters.
Do you use a shower filter?
This post was originally published on November 6, 2018; it was updated on September 24, 2019.
Great article! For those interested in the Berkey, I found this article last week, and it really helped me choose which system to get.
Thanks for sharing!
I drink water out of a Nalgene water bottle which is made from hard plastic, but considered to be “safe”. I am not a fan of water and drink A LOT of tea, which isn’t healthy long-term considering how acidic and caffeinated tea is. I wish I could stop drinking so much coffee and tea and even tried drinking 2L of pure water a day. That experiment lasted 17 days before I went back to my old habits.
Is tea safe to drink while breastfeeding? That’s interesting… I tried breastfeeding but didn’t have much luck with it. At the time, I was drinking tea.
I honestly didn’t know that! I drank tea and coffee after having having my daughter and couldn’t produce much breast milk. I tried the breast pump but couldn’t wake up at 2:00AM to pump milk. I was a student at the time so waking up every couple of hours wasn’t possible for me. Also, I used it too infrequently, so that could be why my milk dried up. There are teas that are beneficial while breastfeeding, like the Mother’s milk tea. I haven’t had it, but in the future I think I will try it.
Much respect and props for this post,very true, peace