106: Frustrated with Your Health? 3 Reasons Why You May Be Struggling to Reach Your Health Goals

Do you lack clarity, consistency, or accountability?    Key Takeaways: Invite God on your health journey. Stop getting distracted. Find a group of uplifting women who can encourage you and keep you accountable.   Holistically Healthy Woman: 4 Steps to Move Away from Modern Medicine for Christians www.herholistichealing.com/free   Free Community www.facebook.com/groups/herholistichealing   Book (Discover…

105: 10 Intuitive Eating Principles: My Thoughts on this “Anti-Diet Revolutionary Approach”

What are your thoughts on these 10 Intuitive Eating principles from intuitiveeating.org?   1. Reject diet culture 2. Honor your hunger 3. Make peace with food 4. Discover the satisfaction factor 5. Feel your fullness 6. Challenge the food police 7. Cope with your emotions with kindness 8. Respect your body 9. Movement—feel the difference…