We Can’t Stop Talking

We Can’t Stop Talking

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. James 1:19 I have tried to keep my distance from social media and the mainstream media for awhile, but unfortunately, I have been more “plugged in” these last few months. This means that I have become more aware of the…

Awesome Blogger Award

Awesome Blogger Award

Thank you to Tamara from Purple Almond Wellness for the Awesome Blogger Award nomination! I am honored and grateful to be a part of this fun and awesome blogging community! The Rules Thank the person who nominated you. Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward. Answer at least 5 of the questions you were asked (you can…

Kindness Craving

Kindness Craving

When I was younger, I didn’t think that I had special talents like other people did. I was just the skinny, quiet Asian girl with big glasses and braces. So, I thought, well, if I can’t be really great at something, at the very least, I can be known as “the nice girl”. So, I…

Tasty Superfood Smoothie

Tasty Superfood Smoothie

I used to make super healthy smoothies for my skin and gut. Unfortunately, these smoothies required a lot of time to prepare and the taste made my kids want to gag. I started making this smoothie a couple of weeks ago. It’s basically a superfood smoothie that tastes delicious—all three of my kids love it!…

Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction from Pregnancy

Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction from Pregnancy

When I visited my midwife six weeks after having my third baby, she told me that I had diastasis recti (abnormal abdominal separation) and referred me to a Physical Therapist. According to Healthline, diastasis recti can lead to: jeopardized trunk stability and mobility back pain pelvic pain damage to posture pelvic floor dysfunction hernia, in…